A RootsTech Recap
We’re back from our official launch celebration at RootsTech in Salt Lake City and we’re still alive with the buzz and warm reception from both the industry and the many genealogists who were thrilled with our new product.
It was quite the busy week for us! You read all about our official launch on Tuesday and we hit the ground running in Salt Lake City on Wednesday.
Some of our team prepped our booth for the more-than-20,000 visitors expected throughout the exhibit hall and our co-founder, Harrison, spoke during the conference’s “Innovator Summit” on “Reimagining the family tree.”
On Thursday, the conference officially kicked off to the masses. We got busy giving product demos and encouraging attendees to share their favorite family memory in our #memorytree contest for a chance to win some cash. (More on those winners later this week!)
On Thursday we also gave a demo of the product in the exhibit hall Demo theatre. Family.me product lead, Art, walked us through his own tree and how the tool helps families connect and even reconnect!
Friday was all about the booth and getting conference attendees to be one of the first 10,000 users, granting them access to Family.me FREE for LIFE!
Saturday was the final day and “Family Discovery Day.” Along with all of the industry professionals and genealogists we’d hosted all week, lots of families with kids flooded the booth this day. We gave away t-shirts through a variety of challenges including:
Singing “We are Family”
Best Owl Impression
Name as many owl species as you can.
Family.me themed “Memory”
On this last day, our Founder Harrison, gave another presentation on getting your family members to share in documenting your family story and the responsibility the genealogy industry has to broaden the appeal for genealogy.
All in all we had a BLAST. We are elated at the amazing welcome from the industry and how excited all the users are about the product. You’re still able to get in with those first 10,000 users to get a Family.me account FREE for life. What are you waiting for? Sign up now at www.Family.me